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Top 150 best Steam games of all time tagged with Remake, according to gamer reviews.

Rank, title, date, tags, platforms and price Score Rating
95% 113,055 votes
93% 18,879 votes
92% 5,066 votes
94% 1,851 votes
90% 3,086 votes
89% 2,945 votes
100% 52 votes
91% 408 votes
93% 202 votes
94% 109 votes
87% 451 votes
93% 69 votes
87% 397 votes
100% 11 votes
80% 2,352 votes
83% 113 votes
86% 36 votes

Correlated tags

Correlation is how often another tag appears together with this tag. If one in every five games tagged with Remake is also tagged with a correlated tag, the correlated tag has 20% correlation. 100% correlation means the pair of tags always appear together.

Tags most frequently applied to the same games as Remake, with at least 15% correlation.

  1. Singleplayer 86%
  2. Action 62%
  3. Adventure 62%
  4. Indie 43%
  5. 2D 42%
  6. Retro 42%
  7. Arcade 31%
  8. Classic 28%
  9. Puzzle 28%
  10. Casual 28%
  11. Story Rich 26%
  12. Atmospheric 25%
  13. Funny 25%
  14. RPG 22%
  15. Comedy 22%
  16. 1990's 22%
  17. Anime 22%
  18. Exploration 22%
  19. Fantasy 21%
  20. Great Soundtrack 21%
  21. Pixel Graphics 19%
  22. Multiplayer 19%
  23. Female Protagonist 19%
  24. Platformer 18%
  25. Old School 17%
  26. Colorful 17%
  27. Family Friendly 16%
  28. Shooter 15%

The Remake tag refers to a type of video game that is a new version or reimagining of a previously released game. In other words, it is a game that takes an older title and rebuilds it from the ground up, often with improved graphics, gameplay mechanics, and additional content.

Remakes can vary in their level of fidelity to the original game. Some remakes stay true to the source material and faithfully recreate the original experience with enhanced visuals and modernized controls. These types of remakes are often referred to as "faithful" or "1:1" remakes. Examples include Resident Evil 2 Remake, where players revisit familiar locations and face off against iconic enemies in an updated and immersive way.

In contrast, there are also remakes that take more liberties with the source material by adding new features, changing gameplay mechanics or expanding on the story. These types of remakes seek to breathe new life into older games while offering fresh experiences for both returning players and newcomers. For instance, Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes on GameCube revamped the PlayStation original by incorporating gameplay elements from its sequels.

Remakes serve several purposes in gaming:

  • Nostalgia Remaking beloved titles taps into players' nostalgia by allowing them to relive cherished experiences in a modernized format.
  • Bridging Generations Remaking older games ensures they can be enjoyed by newer generations without having to rely on outdated hardware or graphics.
  • Drawing New Audiences:Through enhancements like improved graphics or updated gameplay mechanics, remade games attract players who may have missed out on the original release but are interested in the franchise.
  • Preserving Gaming History:Remakes help preserve older games, making them accessible to a wider audience while introducing new elements to enhance their longevity.

In summary, remakes are modernized versions of older games that aim to reintroduce or reimagine familiar titles for both long-time fans and newcomers. Whether they faithfully recreate the original or add fresh features and innovations, remakes offer a chance to experience classic games in an updated and often improved form.

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