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Top 150 best Steam games of all time tagged with Surreal, according to gamer reviews.

Rank, title, date, tags, platforms and price Score Rating
98% 4,738 votes
95% 19,569 votes
95% 14,365 votes
99% 1,064 votes
96% 5,322 votes
93% 51,928 votes
97% 2,522 votes
97% 2,132 votes
97% 1,707 votes
95% 3,955 votes
95% 3,076 votes
96% 1,336 votes
99% 401 votes
93% 4,881 votes
100% 218 votes
99% 259 votes
96% 697 votes
94% 1,508 votes
98% 256 votes

Correlated tags

Correlation is how often another tag appears together with this tag. If one in every five games tagged with Surreal is also tagged with a correlated tag, the correlated tag has 20% correlation. 100% correlation means the pair of tags always appear together.

Tags most frequently applied to the same games as Surreal, with at least 15% correlation.

  1. Adventure 54%
  2. Singleplayer 51%
  3. Atmospheric 50%
  4. Indie 42%
  5. Action 38%
  6. Exploration 37%
  7. Casual 36%
  8. Puzzle 35%
  9. 3D 33%
  10. 2D 33%
  11. First-Person 32%
  12. Story Rich 31%
  13. Horror 31%
  14. Colorful 27%
  15. Psychological Horror 26%
  16. Mystery 24%
  17. Dark 22%
  18. Stylized 21%
  19. Walking Simulator 18%
  20. Pixel Graphics 17%
  21. Psychedelic 17%
  22. Action-Adventure 16%
  23. Funny 16%
  24. Relaxing 16%
  25. Platformer 16%
  26. Cute 16%
  27. Abstract 15%

The Surreal tag is used to describe a genre or style of video games that involve unconventional and dreamlike elements. Surreal games often blur the line between reality and imagination, creating strange and unusual worlds that challenge players' perceptions.

In surreal games, you can expect to encounter bizarre environments, nonsensical storytelling, and abstract visuals. These games often aim to evoke a sense of wonder, confusion, or even unease by subverting traditional game narratives and expectations.

Here are some key characteristics of surreal games:

  • Unconventional Storytelling Surreal games typically deviate from linear storytelling structures. They may use symbolic or metaphorical narratives instead of traditional plots. The story might be open to interpretation or intentionally ambiguous.
  • Ambient Soundscapes Sound design plays a crucial role in setting the atmosphere in surreal games. Ethereal music, psychedelic sound effects, and eerie ambiance contribute to the overall dreamlike experience.
  • Mind-Bending Environments Surrealism often manifests through imaginative and otherworldly settings in these games. Expect distorted landscapes, impossible architecture, or nonsensical logical structures.

Surreal video game experiences can be both introspective journeys exploring themes such as identity or personal growth while also being visually captivating for players seeking unique aesthetics.

Some well-known examples of surreal video games include:

  • Inside A platformer with atmospheric puzzles that takes players through a dark dystopian world filled with bizarre occurrences and unexpected twists.
  • The Stanley Parable A first-person exploration game that challenges players with branching paths and absurd meta-commentaries on the nature of choice in video games.
  • Journey An atmospheric adventure game where players traverse vast deserts and ruins, unraveling a mysterious world through unique visuals and emotional storytelling.

Surreal games offer players an opportunity to explore unconventional and thought-provoking experiences that break away from traditional gaming norms.

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