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Replay Value

Category Subjective

Top 150 best Steam games of all time tagged with Replay Value, according to gamer reviews.

Rank, title, date, tags, platforms and price Score Rating
98% 9,126 votes
96% 47,001 votes
96% 11,317 votes
95% 15,502 votes
97% 4,204 votes
97% 3,279 votes
94% 9,608 votes
95% 4,204 votes
97% 1,215 votes
97% 790 votes
98% 260 votes
93% 1,680 votes
88% 164,638 votes
92% 3,251 votes
95% 502 votes
95% 355 votes
88% 21,837 votes

Correlated tags

Correlation is how often another tag appears together with this tag. If one in every five games tagged with Replay Value is also tagged with a correlated tag, the correlated tag has 20% correlation. 100% correlation means the pair of tags always appear together.

Tags most frequently applied to the same games as Replay Value, with at least 15% correlation.

  1. Singleplayer 79%
  2. Indie 70%
  3. 2D 46%
  4. Casual 43%
  5. Strategy 42%
  6. Action 42%
  7. Difficult 35%
  8. Adventure 34%
  9. Simulation 29%
  10. Atmospheric 29%
  11. Puzzle 23%
  12. Family Friendly 23%
  13. RPG 22%
  14. Roguelite 22%
  15. Relaxing 20%
  16. Roguelike 20%
  17. Retro 20%
  18. Pixel Graphics 19%
  19. Colorful 18%
  20. Arcade 17%
  21. Procedural Generation 16%
  22. Story Rich 16%
  23. Cute 16%
  24. Fantasy 15%
  25. Funny 15%

The Replay Value tag is used to describe a feature or aspect of a game that makes it compelling or enjoyable to play multiple times.

A game with high replay value offers incentives, content, or gameplay elements that make players want to revisit and experience it again, even after completing the main story or objectives. Players are motivated to explore different paths, try alternative strategies, or uncover hidden secrets to discover new and unique experiences within the same game.

Here are some factors that contribute to high replay value in games:

  • Variety in Gameplay Games that provide diverse playstyles and approaches can enhance replayability. For example, an open-world role-playing game like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim allows players to choose different character classes, complete quests in various ways, and explore different paths throughout the game world.
  • Multiple Endings or Storylines Games that offer branching narratives with multiple possible outcomes encourage players to replay the game in order to see how their choices affect the story. For instance, in games like Mass Effect 2 or Life is Strange, players' decisions have significant consequences on characters and plot development.
  • New Game Plus Mode Some games include a New Game Plus mode where players can start a fresh playthrough with additional perks or unlocked content from their previous completion. This feature adds a layer of challenge and reward for returning players. The "Dark Souls" series is well-known for its New Game Plus mode as it allows players to face increased difficulty while retaining previously acquired gear and abilities.
  • Rewarding Unlockables Unlockable features such as new characters, weapons, levels, or game modes can give players a reason to play through a game multiple times. These rewards can be earned by achieving certain objectives, completing specific challenges, or finding hidden collectibles throughout the game world. The Super Smash Bros. series is an example of a game that offers unlockable characters and stages.
  • Multiplayer Modes Games with engaging multiplayer modes often have high replay value as players can enjoy competing against friends or other online players. The unpredictability that comes with human opponents ensures each match feels unique and offers new experiences. Titles like League of Legends, Fortnite, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive are renowned for their replayability due to their competitive multiplayer components.

A game with high replay value allows players to continue enjoying and discovering new aspects long after initial completion. 

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