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Beat 'em up

Category Tier-3 Genre

Top 150 best Steam games of all time tagged with Beat 'em up, according to gamer reviews.

Rank, title, date, tags, platforms and price Score Rating
93% 18,879 votes
95% 3,815 votes
93% 16,609 votes
95% 1,991 votes
95% 3,076 votes
96% 524 votes
94% 1,187 votes
92% 3,515 votes
91% 2,702 votes
90% 3,451 votes
95% 191 votes
95% 125 votes
89% 1,709 votes
90% 723 votes
84% 56,085 votes
88% 1,642 votes
91% 317 votes
86% 2,914 votes

Correlated tags

Correlation is how often another tag appears together with this tag. If one in every five games tagged with Beat 'em up is also tagged with a correlated tag, the correlated tag has 20% correlation. 100% correlation means the pair of tags always appear together.

Tags most frequently applied to the same games as Beat 'em up, with at least 15% correlation.

  1. Action 92%
  2. Singleplayer 43%
  3. 2D 40%
  4. Adventure 39%
  5. Indie 39%
  6. Arcade 35%
  7. Casual 30%
  8. Hack and Slash 28%
  9. Combat 28%
  10. 3D 27%
  11. Action-Adventure 26%
  12. Colorful 25%
  13. Pixel Graphics 24%
  14. Side Scroller 22%
  15. Funny 20%
  16. Fantasy 18%
  17. RPG 18%
  18. Third Person 18%
  19. Fighting 18%
  20. Controller 17%
  21. Multiplayer 16%
  22. Platformer 16%
  23. Anime 16%
  24. 2D Fighter 16%
  25. 2D Platformer 16%
  26. Cute 15%

The Beat 'em up tag refers to a genre of action video games characterized by intense hand-to-hand combat and fighting against multiple enemies. These games typically involve controlling a character who moves through linear levels while taking on waves of adversaries.

Beat 'em up games are often set in urban environments or fantastical settings, and the player's objective is to defeat all enemies encountered. The combat mechanics usually involve using punches, kicks, combos, and special moves to take down opponents.

In beat 'em up games, players can expect:

  • Frenetic Action Beat 'em up games offer fast-paced and highly kinetic action sequences that require quick reflexes and efficient use of attack moves. Players focus on chaining together combos while evading enemy attacks.
  • Crowd Control These games commonly feature hordes of enemies attacking simultaneously. Players must navigate through groups of adversaries or utilize AoE (Area-of-Effect) attacks to deal with multiple foes at once.
  • Cooperative Gameplay Some beat 'em up titles allow for cooperative play where two or more players can team up either locally or online to tackle the challenges together.

Examples of well-known beat 'em up titles include:

  • Streets of Rage 4 A modern iteration in the iconic series known for its fluid combat mechanics and nostalgic homage to classic beat 'em ups from the early days of gaming. Streets of Rage 4
  • Castle Crashers This side-scrolling beat 'em up offers colorful characters, humorous storytelling, and cooperative gameplay. Castle Crashers
  • Double Dragon Neon A reboot of the classic Double Dragon series that pays homage to 80s arcade beat 'em ups with its vibrant visuals and fierce brawling action. Double Dragon Neon
  • Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition Based on the graphic novel series and movie, this game incorporates arcade-style pixel art graphics and a catchy chiptune soundtrack. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition

In summary, beat 'em up games deliver exciting close-quarters combat against numerous foes in fast-paced environments. These titles are known for their intense action, skillful combos, and sometimes cooperative gameplay.

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