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Top 150 best Steam games of all time tagged with Swordplay, according to gamer reviews.

Rank, title, date, tags, platforms and price Score Rating
97% 47,236 votes
96% 72,226 votes
94% 7,978 votes
92% 25,568 votes
92% 1,439 votes
87% 25,962 votes
90% 2,573 votes
100% 39 votes
86% 3,620 votes
92% 118 votes
97% 34 votes
94% 53 votes
81% 110,777 votes
85% 1,296 votes
94% 49 votes
88% 231 votes
83% 2,124 votes
85% 698 votes
93% 30 votes
100% 11 votes
84% 247 votes

Correlated tags

Correlation is how often another tag appears together with this tag. If one in every five games tagged with Swordplay is also tagged with a correlated tag, the correlated tag has 20% correlation. 100% correlation means the pair of tags always appear together.

Tags most frequently applied to the same games as Swordplay, with at least 15% correlation.

  1. Action 78%
  2. Adventure 44%
  3. Singleplayer 44%
  4. RPG 39%
  5. Hack and Slash 39%
  6. Fantasy 37%
  7. 3D 33%
  8. Indie 32%
  9. Action-Adventure 32%
  10. Medieval 32%
  11. Combat 30%
  12. Third Person 27%
  13. 2D 27%
  14. Action RPG 25%
  15. Early Access 20%
  16. Magic 19%
  17. Casual 19%
  18. Pixel Graphics 18%
  19. First-Person 17%
  20. Exploration 17%
  21. Colorful 17%
  22. Multiplayer 16%
  23. PvP 15%
  24. PvE 15%

The Swordplay tag refers to a gameplay mechanic or genre in which the primary focus is on sword fighting or melee combat using swords. Games with this tag often emphasize skillful, close-quarters combat and may involve different techniques, strategies, or styles of swordplay.

In games that feature swordplay mechanics, players typically control a character who wields a sword as their primary weapon. Swordplay can encompass various aspects such as attacking, blocking, parrying, and dodging enemy attacks using the sword. These games often require timing and precision to effectively engage in combat.

There are several different types of games that incorporate swordplay:

  • Action-Adventure: Many action-adventure games include elements of swordplay as part of the combat mechanics. One example is the Legend of Zelda series, where players control Link and engage in battles against enemies using various swords throughout their quests.
  • Action RPG: Some role-playing games (RPGs) prioritize real-time melee combat with swords. Titles like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt feature intense sword fighting alongside deep storylines and character progression systems.
  • Hack-and-Slash: Certain hack-and-slash games are known for their fast-paced and flashy sword-based combat systems. Examples include the popular franchise Devil May Cry, where players perform stylish combos while battling hordes of foes.

Swordplay-focused games often allow players to learn new techniques or abilities as they progress through the game's story or by investing experience points into skills related to wielding a sword. This progression system can enhance gameplay depth by offering new moves or upgrades to the player's arsenal.

Overall, Swordplay tags indicate that a game heavily incorporates sword fighting or melee combat with swords as a central gameplay feature. Players can expect intense battles, skillful swordplay mechanics, and immersive combat experiences when exploring these games.

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