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Free to Play

Category Metadata

Top 150 best Steam games of all time tagged with Free to Play, according to gamer reviews.

Rank, title, date, tags, platforms and price Score Rating
98% 118,133 votes
99% 2,215 votes
95% 6,608 votes
96% 2,896 votes
100% 548 votes
94% 5,008 votes
94% 5,142 votes

Correlated tags

Correlation is how often another tag appears together with this tag. If one in every five games tagged with Free to Play is also tagged with a correlated tag, the correlated tag has 20% correlation. 100% correlation means the pair of tags always appear together.

Tags most frequently applied to the same games as Free to Play, with at least 15% correlation.

  1. Indie 60%
  2. Casual 44%
  3. Action 43%
  4. Singleplayer 42%
  5. Adventure 34%
  6. Multiplayer 26%
  7. 2D 24%
  8. Strategy 22%
  9. RPG 21%
  10. 3D 19%
  11. Simulation 19%

The Free to Play tag refers to games that are available for download and play without any upfront cost. These games allow players to access and experience the core gameplay without having to pay for the base game itself. However, it's important to note that Free to Play games often offer in-game purchases or microtransactions, allowing players to buy cosmetic items, additional content, or gameplay enhancements.

The "Free to Play" model has become increasingly popular in the gaming industry as a way for developers and publishers to reach a wider audience and monetize their games through optional purchases. It allows players who may not have the means or willingness to spend money on games upfront, a chance to engage with and enjoy the game at no cost.

There are several types of Free-to-Play games:

  • Cosmetic-focused Some Free-to-Play titles primarily offer cosmetic items such as character skins, outfits, weapon appearances, or decorative elements that can be purchased but do not affect gameplay. Examples include "Fortnite" by Epic Games and "Rocket League" by Psyonix.
  • "Pay-to-Win" In some cases, free-to-play models implement mechanics where players can purchase significant advantages over others who choose not to spend money. While this model is controversial within the gaming community, many successful free-to-play multiplayer titles manage these systems responsibly.
  • "Freemium" This variation combines free access with additional content behind paywalls. Players can choose whether they want specific expansions packs, extra missions/levels/features or in-game currency boosts by making individual purchases. The massively popular title "League of Legends" uses this freemium model.

Free-to-Play games have the potential to offer substantial gameplay experiences, as demonstrated by the success of titles like "Dota 2," "Warframe," and "Path of Exile." However, it's important to keep in mind any potential costs associated with optional in-game purchases. Players can choose whether or not they want to spend money on these additional items or content, making it possible for players with different budgets to enjoy the game at their own comfort level.

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