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Puzzle Platformer

Category Tier-3 Genre

Top 150 best Steam games of all time tagged with Puzzle Platformer, according to gamer reviews.

Rank, title, date, tags, platforms and price Score Rating
95% 199,453 votes
97% 8,152 votes
97% 6,412 votes
97% 4,069 votes
96% 8,484 votes
95% 6,608 votes
93% 51,928 votes
96% 4,097 votes
95% 5,046 votes
94% 8,598 votes
94% 7,222 votes
95% 3,955 votes
95% 3,038 votes
96% 2,123 votes
96% 1,625 votes
93% 4,881 votes
94% 2,336 votes
94% 2,731 votes
94% 2,600 votes
92% 9,389 votes
94% 1,118 votes
91% 5,493 votes
99% 166 votes
99% 177 votes
97% 321 votes
93% 1,293 votes
91% 6,332 votes
91% 5,296 votes
90% 5,388 votes

Correlated tags

Correlation is how often another tag appears together with this tag. If one in every five games tagged with Puzzle Platformer is also tagged with a correlated tag, the correlated tag has 20% correlation. 100% correlation means the pair of tags always appear together.

Tags most frequently applied to the same games as Puzzle Platformer, with at least 15% correlation.

  1. Puzzle 70%
  2. Adventure 57%
  3. Platformer 56%
  4. Singleplayer 54%
  5. Indie 54%
  6. Casual 52%
  7. 2D 49%
  8. Action 43%
  9. 2D Platformer 32%
  10. Colorful 31%
  11. Cute 29%
  12. Atmospheric 29%
  13. 3D 25%
  14. Exploration 24%
  15. Pixel Graphics 24%
  16. 3D Platformer 21%
  17. Action-Adventure 20%
  18. Arcade 19%
  19. Family Friendly 19%
  20. Physics 17%
  21. Relaxing 17%
  22. Side Scroller 17%
  23. Strategy 17%
  24. Minimalist 16%
  25. Precision Platformer 16%
  26. Logic 16%
  27. Funny 16%
  28. Retro 16%
  29. Stylized 15%

The Puzzle Platformer tag describes a genre of video games that combines elements of puzzle-solving and platforming. These games challenge players to navigate through levels or environments by solving puzzles and overcoming obstacles using their problem-solving skills and platforming abilities.

In puzzle platformers, players typically control a character who must traverse through platforms, jump over gaps, climb walls, and perform other acrobatic movements commonly associated with traditional platformer games. However, what sets them apart is the inclusion of puzzles that need to be solved in order to progress.

The puzzles in these games can range from simple environmental challenges such as moving blocks or activating switches to more complex conundrums involving timing, logic, or manipulating objects in the game world. Players often need to analyze their surroundings, think critically, and experiment with different approaches to find solutions.

Some key features of puzzle platformers include:

  • Puzzles The core element of puzzle platformers is the inclusion of various types of puzzles that hinder progress through the game. These puzzles may require observation skills, memory retention, pattern recognition or logical thinking.
  • Platforming As with traditional platformer games: jumping across platforms; avoiding hazards such as spikes; timing jumps accurately are crucial components within this genre which provides an added layer of challenge alongside solving puzzles.
  • Progressive Difficulty: Puzzle platformers typically feature a gradual increase in difficulty level as players advance through levels. This allows players to gradually develop their problem-solving skills while encountering increasingly complex combinations between challenging jumps/platforming sections combined with intricate puzzling elements.

Some well-known examples of puzzle-platformer titles include:

  • Limbo Developed by Playdead, Limbo combines atmospheric black and white visuals with clever physics-based puzzles, emphasizing platforming and environmental hazards.
  • Inside Also developed by Playdead, Inside follows a similar approach as Limbo but adds new mechanics and a deeper narrative to the mix.
  • Braid Developed by Jonathan Blow, Braid features time manipulation mechanics within its puzzle-platforming gameplay while also delivering an emotionally-driven storyline.

Puzzle platformers offer a unique blend of brain-teasing challenges and platform-based acrobatics that capture the imagination of players who enjoy both mental stimulation and precision-based gameplay.

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