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Looter Shooter

Category Tier-3 Genre

Top 150 best Steam games of all time tagged with Looter Shooter, according to gamer reviews.

Rank, title, date, tags, platforms and price Score Rating
94% 282,297 votes
95% 3,815 votes
90% 652,266 votes
87% 25,964 votes
85% 131,874 votes
100% 10 votes
93% 15 votes
77% 2,594 votes
100% 6 votes
77% 434 votes

Correlated tags

Correlation is how often another tag appears together with this tag. If one in every five games tagged with Looter Shooter is also tagged with a correlated tag, the correlated tag has 20% correlation. 100% correlation means the pair of tags always appear together.

Tags most frequently applied to the same games as Looter Shooter, with at least 15% correlation.

  1. Action 82%
  2. Shooter 77%
  3. 3D 41%
  4. Adventure 41%
  5. Singleplayer 33%
  6. Action-Adventure 32%
  7. FPS 32%
  8. First-Person 31%
  9. Casual 29%
  10. Survival 28%
  11. RPG 26%
  12. Early Access 26%
  13. Indie 24%
  14. Multiplayer 23%
  15. Arcade 22%
  16. 2D 21%
  17. Third-Person Shooter 21%
  18. Sci-fi 20%
  19. PvE 20%
  20. Open World 20%
  21. Third Person 20%
  22. Atmospheric 20%
  23. Loot 20%
  24. Post-apocalyptic 20%
  25. Combat 20%
  26. Shoot 'Em Up 20%
  27. Exploration 19%
  28. Colorful 19%
  29. Top-Down 18%
  30. Top-Down Shooter 18%
  31. Bullet Hell 18%
  32. Zombies 18%
  33. Action RPG 17%
  34. Action Roguelike 16%
  35. Roguelike 16%
  36. Realistic 15%
  37. Co-op 15%
  38. Roguelite 15%

The Looter Shooter tag refers to a genre of video games that combines elements of both shooting and looting. In these games, players engage in fast-paced combat using firearms or other ranged weapons while also collecting loot from defeated enemies or discovered locations.

In a looter shooter game, the primary focus is on gameplay mechanics that involve acquiring, upgrading, and utilizing various weapons, gear, and equipment. The loot can include weapons with different attributes (such as damage, accuracy), armor pieces offering defensive bonuses, and other items like consumables or resources.

Here are some key features often found in looter shooter games:

  • Shooting Mechanics Looter shooters emphasize action-oriented combat with shooting mechanics as the core gameplay element. This involves engaging in battles against AI-controlled enemies or other players online. Examples of popular shooting-focused looter shooters include Destiny 2, The Division 2, and Borderlands 3.
  • Loot Collection As players defeat enemies or complete missions/objectives, they are rewarded with loot drops. This loot can come in the form of weapons, equipment upgrades, cosmetic items (skins/outfits), or rare items. Players continually seek better loot to improve their character's abilities and performance. Games like Anthem,Warframe,and the aforementionedBoderlands 3 all feature extensive loot collection systems within their gameplay loop for constant player progression.
  • RPG Elements Looter shooters often incorporate RPG elements into their gameplay structure. Players may level up their characters, allocate skill points into talent trees, and customize their playstyle with different abilities or classes. This adds a sense of character progression and variety to the gameplay experience. Games like Borderlands 2
  • ,Warframe,andThe Division 2 incorporate various RPG elements within the looter shooter framework.
  • Cooperative Play Many looter shooters offer cooperative multiplayer modes that allow players to team up with friends or other players online. This enables them to tackle more challenging missions, raids, or end-game content together, increasing the strategy and camaraderie among players.

Looter shooter games provide an addictive loop of engaging combat, rewarding loot drops, and character progression, offering a blend of action-packed shooting mechanics with the excitement of acquiring new gear.

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