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Boomer Shooter

Category Tier-3 Genre

Top 150 best Steam games of all time tagged with Boomer Shooter, according to gamer reviews.

Rank, title, date, tags, platforms and price Score Rating
97% 21,537 votes
97% 17,440 votes
96% 13,283 votes
97% 4,886 votes
95% 8,460 votes
95% 8,015 votes
96% 5,197 votes
94% 7,488 votes
94% 6,713 votes
94% 6,440 votes
91% 2,291 votes
97% 183 votes
88% 1,260 votes
90% 582 votes
93% 187 votes
87% 1,409 votes
100% 20 votes
96% 23 votes
95% 21 votes
82% 472 votes
74% 2,241 votes
66% 2,450 votes
75% 16 votes
78% 9 votes
64% 1,298 votes
100% 1 votes
64% 85 votes

Correlated tags

Correlation is how often another tag appears together with this tag. If one in every five games tagged with Boomer Shooter is also tagged with a correlated tag, the correlated tag has 20% correlation. 100% correlation means the pair of tags always appear together.

Tags most frequently applied to the same games as Boomer Shooter, with at least 15% correlation.

  1. Action 93%
  2. FPS 88%
  3. Shooter 88%
  4. First-Person 82%
  5. Singleplayer 62%
  6. Retro 58%
  7. Old School 43%
  8. 3D 40%
  9. 1990's 35%
  10. Arena Shooter 35%
  11. Pixel Graphics 33%
  12. Gore 31%
  13. Sci-fi 28%
  14. Indie 28%
  15. Atmospheric 28%
  16. Horror 28%
  17. Violent 27%
  18. Fast-Paced 26%
  19. Early Access 24%
  20. Stylized 23%
  21. Combat 23%
  22. Adventure 19%
  23. Demons 18%
  24. Arcade 17%
  25. Colorful 17%

The Boomer Shooter tag refers to a subgenre of first-person shooter (FPS) games that pays homage to the classic shooters from the 1990s, often referred to as "boomer" or "old-school" shooters. This tag is not meant to be derogatory but rather nostalgic, highlighting games that capture the spirit and gameplay mechanics of those earlier titles.

Boomer Shooter games typically embrace fast-paced action, frenetic movement, and intense combat against hordes of enemies. They often feature non-regenerative health systems and require quick reflexes and skillful maneuvering. These games emphasize player engagement through adrenaline-pumping gameplay rather than deep narratives or complex mechanics.

Characteristics of boomer shooter games include:

  • Retro-inspired Graphics Boomer shooters often utilize pixel art or low-resolution textures reminiscent of older game technology. This visual style adds to the nostalgic charm and authentic feel of these titles. However, some modern boomer shooter games have introduced updated graphics while retaining the core gameplay elements.
  • Strafe Jumping & Circle Strafing These techniques were prevalent in early FPS titles like Doom and Quake. Boomer shooters continue this tradition by incorporating advanced movement mechanics that allow players to gain speed, jump great distances, perform trick jumps, and circle strafe around enemies while dishing out fast-paced attacks.
  • No-frills Gameplay Boomer shooter games tend to focus on core shooting mechanics without excessive reliance on cover systems, regenerating health bars, or cinematic set pieces found in many modern FPS titles. They prioritize pure and unadulterated action.

Examples of boomer shooter games include:

  • Dusk Developed by David Szymanski, Dusk is a throwback to the '90s with its low-resolution pixel art, fast movement speed, and hectic combat inspired by classics like Doom and Quake.
  • Ion Fury Originally known as Ion Maiden, this game developed by Voidpoint is built on the classic Build engine (used in Duke Nukem 3D) and offers a nostalgic FPS experience with non-stop action, clever level design, and old-school weapon arsenal.
  • Strafe Developed by Pixel Titans, Strafe takes inspiration from early shooters but adds a twist of rogue-like elements for randomized levels, fast-paced combat, and online leaderboards.

A boomer shooter captures the essence of classic first-person shooters while injecting modern polish or bringing new experiences within that nostalgic framework.

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