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Card Game

Category Tier-2 Genre

Top 150 best Steam games of all time tagged with Card Game, according to gamer reviews.

Rank, title, date, tags, platforms and price Score Rating
97% 4,179 votes
94% 8,699 votes
94% 3,310 votes
94% 2,334 votes
97% 196 votes
93% 1,168 votes
90% 5,462 votes
90% 3,324 votes
93% 391 votes

Correlated tags

Correlation is how often another tag appears together with this tag. If one in every five games tagged with Card Game is also tagged with a correlated tag, the correlated tag has 20% correlation. 100% correlation means the pair of tags always appear together.

Tags most frequently applied to the same games as Card Game, with at least 15% correlation.

  1. Strategy 68%
  2. Casual 56%
  3. Singleplayer 53%
  4. 2D 51%
  5. Card Battler 42%
  6. Indie 42%
  7. Deckbuilding 37%
  8. RPG 28%
  9. Fantasy 28%
  10. Turn-Based Strategy 27%
  11. Turn-Based Tactics 24%
  12. Roguelite 23%
  13. Adventure 23%
  14. Roguelike 22%
  15. Board Game 22%
  16. Tabletop 21%
  17. Turn-Based Combat 20%
  18. Colorful 18%
  19. Multiplayer 18%
  20. Cute 17%
  21. Puzzle 17%
  22. PvP 17%
  23. Trading Card Game 16%
  24. Simulation 16%
  25. Relaxing 16%

The Card Game tag refers to a genre of video games that feature gameplay centered around traditional playing cards or custom decks. These games replicate the experience of playing card games in a digital format, allowing players to enjoy strategic and competitive gameplay without the need for physical cards.

Card games can take various forms and mechanics in video game adaptations. Here are some key characteristics:

  • Deck Building Many card games involve constructing and customizing a deck of cards before or during gameplay. Players typically have access to a collection of cards with unique abilities, and they strategically assemble their deck to create powerful combinations and strategies.
  • Tactical Gameplay Card games often require thinking ahead, planning moves, and making strategic decisions based on the current game state. Some card games feature turn-based combat where players use their cards to attack opponents or defend against attacks through various mechanics such as card values, abilities, or resource management.
  • Variety of Card Types Card games frequently include different types of cards with distinct roles and effects. These may include attack/defense cards, special ability cards, resource generation/control cards, etc. This variety adds depth and complexity to the gameplay experience.
  • Solo or Multiplayer Modes While some card games can be played solo against computer-controlled opponents (AI), many also offer multiplayer modes where players can go head-to-head against friends or compete in larger online communities.

Examples of popular card game titles on Steam include:

  • Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, developed by Blizzard Entertainment - A highly popular collectible card game set in the World of Warcraft universe where players build decks with spells and creatures to outmaneuver opponents in turn-based battles.
  • Slay the Spire, developed by Mega Crit Games - A roguelike deck-building game where players navigate through a branching map, battling enemies using a customizable deck of cards and collecting new cards along the way.
  • The Elder Scrolls: Legends, developed by Sparkypants Studios - A strategy card game set in the fantasy world of The Elder Scrolls series, featuring familiar characters and mechanics from the franchise as players build unique decks to conquer opponents.

Card games offer strategic gameplay, deep customization options, and often a rewarding progression system as players expand their card collection. They can be enjoyed both competitively and casually, appealing to those who appreciate tactical decision-making and the thrill of pulling off well-planned strategies.

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