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Category Tier-1 Genre

Top 150 best Steam games of all time tagged with Simulation, according to gamer reviews.

Rank, title, date, tags, platforms and price Score Rating
99% 241,245 votes
97% 1,062,698 votes
97% 66,610 votes
98% 15,654 votes
97% 46,946 votes
98% 9,443 votes
95% 82,711 votes
96% 46,919 votes
96% 19,862 votes
96% 14,709 votes
99% 2,557 votes
98% 5,565 votes
98% 3,949 votes
96% 14,665 votes
95% 16,449 votes
96% 10,099 votes
97% 5,189 votes
94% 41,190 votes
94% 62,703 votes
97% 4,633 votes
99% 1,611 votes
97% 2,833 votes
97% 3,730 votes
93% 106,204 votes
95% 7,703 votes
95% 7,200 votes
94% 16,147 votes

Correlated tags

Correlation is how often another tag appears together with this tag. If one in every five games tagged with Simulation is also tagged with a correlated tag, the correlated tag has 20% correlation. 100% correlation means the pair of tags always appear together.

Tags most frequently applied to the same games as Simulation, with at least 15% correlation.

  1. Indie 51%
  2. Casual 50%
  3. Singleplayer 45%
  4. Strategy 31%
  5. Adventure 31%
  6. Action 28%
  7. 3D 24%
  8. 2D 20%
  9. RPG 17%
  10. First-Person 16%
  11. Atmospheric 15%

The Simulation tag refers to a genre of video games that aim to simulate real-world activities, environments, or experiences. These games strive to provide players with an immersive and realistic depiction of a particular subject matter.

In simulation games, players typically take on the role of someone who manages or controls various aspects of a simulated world or scenario. The level of detail and realism can vary depending on the game's focus and scope. Simulation games often require strategic thinking, planning, decision-making, and sometimes resource management.

Some common characteristics of simulation games include:

  • Realism Simulation games prioritize realism by incorporating authentic physics, mechanics, graphics/sound design, and simulations of real-world systems or behaviors. This attention to detail enhances the immersive experience for players.
  • Action replication Simulation games aim to replicate the actions involved in specific activities. For example, flight simulators simulate piloting aircraft with accurate controls and instruments.
  • Lifelike scenarios Many simulation games allow players to explore aspects of life they may not have access to otherwise. This can range from managing a farm in agricultural simulations like Stardew Valley, operating hospitals in medical simulators like Two Point Hospital, or managing cities in urban planning simulations like the Cities: Skylines.
  • Sandbox gameplay Simulations often feature open-ended gameplay that allows players freedom in how they approach challenges or objectives. These sandbox-style elements let individuals experiment and explore different strategies and outcomes within the simulated environment.

Examples of popular simulation games include:

  • The Sims series This well-known franchise lets players simulate and control the daily lives of virtual people, also known as "Sims." Players can guide their Sims through everyday tasks, relationships, careers, and personal aspirations.
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator A highly realistic flight simulator that allows players to experience the intricacies of flying various aircraft in stunning detail. It replicates real-world weather conditions, landscapes, and airports from around the globe.
  • Farming Simulator series These games let players experience the challenges and rewards of managing a modern farming operation. From tending crops to caring for livestock and operating machinery, these simulations provide an immersive virtual farming experience.

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