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Survival Horror

Category Tier-3 Genre

Top 150 best Steam games of all time tagged with Survival Horror, according to gamer reviews.

Rank, title, date, tags, platforms and price Score Rating
98% 850,415 votes
95% 65,491 votes
95% 18,153 votes
98% 1,335 votes
95% 7,178 votes
91% 46,880 votes
94% 2,148 votes
95% 930 votes
96% 600 votes
91% 3,279 votes

Correlated tags

Correlation is how often another tag appears together with this tag. If one in every five games tagged with Survival Horror is also tagged with a correlated tag, the correlated tag has 20% correlation. 100% correlation means the pair of tags always appear together.

Tags most frequently applied to the same games as Survival Horror, with at least 15% correlation.

  1. Horror 83%
  2. Action 67%
  3. Adventure 62%
  4. First-Person 56%
  5. Singleplayer 52%
  6. Atmospheric 47%
  7. Indie 47%
  8. Psychological Horror 45%
  9. Survival 41%
  10. Dark 39%
  11. 3D 39%
  12. Exploration 38%
  13. Action-Adventure 31%
  14. Puzzle 25%
  15. Story Rich 23%
  16. Gore 22%
  17. FPS 21%
  18. Mystery 21%
  19. Realistic 21%
  20. Zombies 21%
  21. Violent 19%
  22. Shooter 19%
  23. Stealth 18%
  24. Multiplayer 17%
  25. Casual 16%
  26. Simulation 16%
  27. Thriller 15%

The Survival Horror tag refers to games that combine elements of survival and horror genres. These games typically emphasize a sense of fear, tension, and vulnerability in a dangerous or unsettling environment.

In Survival Horror games, players often assume the role of a protagonist who is faced with challenging and horrifying situations. The gameplay mechanics are designed to evoke feelings of anxiety and desperation as players must navigate through hostile environments while managing limited resources.

Survival Horror games commonly feature the following elements:

  • Fearful Atmosphere These games often create dark, eerie settings with haunting soundtracks, atmospheric visuals, and detailed environments that contribute to an overall feeling of dread.
  • Scarcity of Resources Survival Horror games typically place an emphasis on resource management. Players may have limited ammunition or healing items, forcing them to make strategic decisions on when it's appropriate to fight or flee from enemies.
  • Vulnerable Protagonist The protagonist in a Survival Horror game is usually an ordinary person thrown into extraordinary circumstances. They are often ill-equipped for combat or lacking combat skills compared to the horrors they face, creating a sense of vulnerability.
  • Puzzles and Exploration Many Survival Horror games incorporate puzzles that must be solved in order to progress through the game world. This encourages exploration and problem-solving while adding another layer of challenge and immersion.

Some well-known examples of Survival Horror games include:

  • Silent Hill series Known for its psychological horror elements, atmospheric settings, and engaging narratives.
  • Ressident Evil series An iconic franchise known for its mix of survival horror and action gameplay, featuring intense combat, puzzles, and memorable characters.

Survival Horror games provide an intense and immersive gaming experience for those who enjoy the thrill of being on edge while exploring terrifying worlds. They challenge players to navigate dark environments, solve puzzles under pressure, and confront their fears head-on.

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