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Bullet Time

Category Feature

Top 150 best Steam games of all time tagged with Bullet Time, according to gamer reviews.

Rank, title, date, tags, platforms and price Score Rating
96% 26,645 votes
99% 1,078 votes
94% 14,650 votes
94% 7,818 votes
94% 3,822 votes
93% 1,870 votes
93% 841 votes
90% 3,455 votes
91% 1,088 votes
92% 682 votes
88% 4,077 votes
98% 80 votes
93% 162 votes
85% 1,675 votes
97% 34 votes
94% 53 votes
95% 41 votes
85% 826 votes
93% 30 votes
85% 217 votes
92% 36 votes
100% 11 votes
91% 33 votes
83% 276 votes

Correlated tags

Correlation is how often another tag appears together with this tag. If one in every five games tagged with Bullet Time is also tagged with a correlated tag, the correlated tag has 20% correlation. 100% correlation means the pair of tags always appear together.

Tags most frequently applied to the same games as Bullet Time, with at least 15% correlation.

  1. Action 85%
  2. Shooter 56%
  3. Singleplayer 51%
  4. Indie 43%
  5. Casual 35%
  6. Arcade 35%
  7. 2D 34%
  8. 3D 30%
  9. Bullet Hell 28%
  10. Adventure 27%
  11. Shoot 'Em Up 26%
  12. FPS 25%
  13. First-Person 25%
  14. Combat 21%
  15. Top-Down 21%
  16. Sci-fi 21%
  17. Pixel Graphics 20%
  18. Colorful 20%
  19. Top-Down Shooter 18%
  20. Action-Adventure 16%
  21. Atmospheric 15%

The Bullet Time tag refers to a gameplay mechanic that allows players to manipulate time within a game. It is often associated with action or shooting games and provides the player with the ability to slow down or suspend time temporarily, creating a dramatic and cinematic effect.

In games featuring Bullet Time, when activated by the player, everything around them slows down while their character remains unaffected or moves at normal speed. This grants players an advantage by allowing them to react more swiftly, dodge incoming projectiles, aim more accurately, or perform acrobatic maneuvers that would otherwise be impossible in real-time gameplay.

The concept of Bullet Time was popularized by the movie "The Matrix" and has since been adopted in various video games. It adds a sense of style and tactical decision-making to gameplay moments where split-second reactions can make a significant difference.

Some notable examples of games with Bullet Time mechanics include:

  • Max Payne series The Max Payne series revolutionized third-person shooting games with its innovative implementation of Bullet Time. Players could activate it during gunfights to slow down time and perform stylish dodges and precision shots.
  • F.E.A.R. (First Encounter Assault Recon) This first-person shooter introduced Slow-Mo mode that allowed players to observe bullets flying through the air at reduced speed while retaining their own mobility. It enhanced combat encounters and added intensity.
  • Mirror's Edge Although not strictly classified as a shooter game, Mirror's Edge incorporated Bullet Time-like mechanics known as Flow into its first-person parkour gameplay. During specific moments called "ReactionTime," time appeared to slow down, providing players with better control over jumps and maneuvers.

Bullet Time not only enhances the visual and immersive aspects of combat or action sequences but also adds strategic depth to gameplay. It allows players to assess and plan their next moves more carefully in high-pressure situations, making it a thrilling and popular mechanic in many games.

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