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Top 112 best Steam games of all time tagged with GameMaker, according to gamer reviews.

Rank, title, date, tags, platforms and price Score Rating
91% 548 votes
91% 200 votes
100% 21 votes
81% 1,577 votes
100% 9 votes
79% 261 votes
79% 96 votes
78% 141 votes
65% 139 votes
65% 52 votes
66% 35 votes
60% 5 votes

Correlated tags

Correlation is how often another tag appears together with this tag. If one in every five games tagged with GameMaker is also tagged with a correlated tag, the correlated tag has 20% correlation. 100% correlation means the pair of tags always appear together.

Tags most frequently applied to the same games as GameMaker, with at least 15% correlation.

  1. Indie 85%
  2. 2D 74%
  3. Action 69%
  4. Singleplayer 68%
  5. Pixel Graphics 56%
  6. Difficult 48%
  7. Casual 41%
  8. Retro 41%
  9. Adventure 36%
  10. Arcade 30%
  11. Platformer 26%
  12. Atmospheric 23%
  13. Puzzle 21%
  14. Replay Value 21%
  15. Strategy 20%
  16. Great Soundtrack 19%
  17. Side Scroller 17%
  18. Shoot 'Em Up 17%
  19. Shooter 17%
  20. Fast-Paced 16%
  21. Simulation 16%
  22. Top-Down 16%

The GameMaker tag refers to games that have been created using the GameMaker Studio software, which is a powerful game development tool. GameMaker Studio allows developers to create games without needing to know complex programming languages, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced developers.

Games tagged as "GameMaker" typically share a few common characteristics:

  • User-friendly Development The GameMaker software provides a graphical interface and drag-and-drop system, allowing developers to create games using visual scripting rather than traditional coding. This makes it easier for those unfamiliar with programming languages to jump into game development.
  • Cross-platform Support GameMaker Studio enables developers to export their games to various platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux, mobile devices (iOS and Android), consoles (such as PlayStation and Xbox), and web browsers. As a result, many GameMaker-created games are available on multiple platforms.
  • Diverse Range of Genres The GameMaker tag encompasses a wide variety of game genres since the tool supports the creation of different types of games such as platformers, puzzle games, RPGs (role-playing games), arcade-style titles, and more. The diversity in genre reflects the flexibility of the development tool itself.

Some notable examples of popular games made with GameMaker Studio include:

  • Undertale A critically acclaimed indie RPG known for its unique storytelling mechanics.
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