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Rocket Blasters

Developed by
  1. Schmidt Workshops
Published by
  1. Schmidt Workshops
Current #39434

Ranking history

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to view

Review history

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Price history (USD)

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Rocket Blasters is a fast paced, action packed shoot-em-up set during the invasion of the Dread Pizza Armada. Its hand-drawn art gives it a unique style. Blowing stuff up has never been so fun!


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2017-12-06 (6 years ago)
First review

Date of first review. Games cannot be reviewed before they are released, so when this is earlier than the release date, it usually indicates a game that was in early access.

2017-12-23 (6 years ago)
Age on Steam

Days since first review, which is typically how long the game has been available for purchase.

2,361 days (6.4 years)


Total reviews verified
20 17 (85%)
Review breakdown
16 80%
4 20%
Review velocity
0 reviews per day
Days in top 1000
0 (0%)
Estimated owners Based on research by GameDiscoverCo median


Release price
$0.99 (2017-12-06)
Lowest price

Date of the earliest occurrence of the lowest price this game has sold for.

$0.49 (2023-09-26)
Average price
Average discount
Number of discounts
Days discounted
174 (7.4%)
Estimated gross sales Based on research by GameDiscoverCo median
T2 T3
Estimated net sales Based on research by GameDiscoverCo median
T2 T3


Tags in descending order of votes. Votes are the number of times a tag has been applied to this game by a Steam user, shown next to each tag name.

  1. Hand-drawn 154
  2. Side Scroller 148
  3. Shoot 'Em Up 145
  4. Casual 142
  5. Unforgiving 139
  6. Cartoon 129
  7. Retro 125
  8. Cartoony 123
  9. GameMaker 120
  10. Arcade 116
  11. Action 111
  12. Difficult 107
  13. PvE 95
  14. 2D 92
  15. Space 78
  16. Old School 65
  1. Singleplayer 52
  2. Indie 48
  3. Classic 27

Tags below the threshold do not have enough votes to be considered valid for this game yet.

Details last updated: June 9, 2024 03:56

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