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Forgotton Anne

Developed by
  1. Throughline Games
Published by
  1. Throughline Games
Current #4064
Gem Peak #252

Ranking history

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Review history

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Price history (USD)

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Step into a hand-animated realm of wonder in which everyday objects take on a life of their own. Uncover the Forgotlings’ mysteries & harness magical forces as you embark upon a quest to return home.


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2018-05-15 (6 years ago)
First review

Date of first review. Games cannot be reviewed before they are released, so when this is earlier than the release date, it usually indicates a game that was in early access.

2018-05-15 (6 years ago)
Age on Steam

Days since first review, which is typically how long the game has been available for purchase.

2,217 days (6 years)


Total reviews verified
1,752 1,367 (78%)
Review breakdown
1,588 90.6%
164 9.4%
Review velocity
0 reviews per day
Days in top 1000
0 (0%)
Estimated owners Based on research by GameDiscoverCo median


Release price
$17.99 ($19.99 -10%)
Lowest price

Date of the earliest occurrence of the lowest price this game has sold for.

$3.99 (2023-06-30)
Average price
Average discount
Number of discounts
Days discounted
413 (18.6%)
Estimated gross sales Based on research by GameDiscoverCo median
T2 T3
Estimated net sales Based on research by GameDiscoverCo median
T2 T3


Tags in descending order of votes. Votes are the number of times a tag has been applied to this game by a Steam user, shown next to each tag name.

  1. Story Rich 259
  2. Atmospheric 250
  3. Female Protagonist 247
  4. Hand-drawn 243
  5. Emotional 234
  6. Steampunk 234
  7. Choices Matter 225
  8. 2D Platformer 224
  9. Cinematic 219
  10. Fantasy 215
  11. Singleplayer 210
  12. Soundtrack 208
  13. Cartoony 203
  14. Anime 194
  15. Stylized 192
  16. 2D 184
  17. Puzzle 181
  18. Platformer 162
  19. Action 157
  20. Indie 143

Details last updated: June 7, 2024 03:20

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